EVEGROCER Top 10 Isip Social Enterprise

This October, we saw the much-awaited kickoff of the ISIP Social Impact Accelerator. Our cohort of 10 enterprises, Waste4Good Technologies, Spectrum Impact Sourcing, Buoyancies Business Accelerated Inc., Palapa sa Lumba Food Processing, EveGrocer Zero Waste Online Shop, IKRAM Agriculture Cooperative, Project Singanen, Dayawan Loom Weaving Handicraft Cooperative, EdukSine Production Corporation, and Lake Sebu Indigenous Women Weavers Inc., joined us in Davao for two days of collaboration and learning.
We thank our speakers and experts, namely Priya Thachadi, Co-Founder and CEO of Villgro Philippines, for her workshop on ‘Revisiting the Business Model Canvas’, Richard Day, Center Manager of Upgrade Davao for his insights into the ‘Existing Opportunities for Social Enterprises in Mindanao’, Eric San Pedro, a business expert in the fields of renewable energy, agriculture, and export, for his in-depth session on ‘Financial Management and Profitability’, and Joji Pantoja, ISIP Alumni and Founder and CEO of Coffee for Peace, for her inspiring key-note address.
As we move into the next phase of the ISIP Social Impact Accelerator, the cohort will go through extensive learning sessions, rigorous coaching, and mentoring, and will be provided technical assistance in Investment Readiness. Watch this space for further updates!
The Innovation for Social Impact Partnership (ISIP) is a project supported by the Australian Government and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme in the Philippines (UNDP Philippines). The ISIP Social Impact Accelerator is co-led and implemented by ACTED and Villgro Philippines.
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