Handpicked Shiraz 750 ml

Handpicked Shiraz 750 ml
From one of the coolest regions in New South Wales, this full-bodied Shiraz has luscious black fruits with background spice, fragrant toffee oak and rounded tannins.
Good winter rains set up excellent soil moisture and early growth was vigorous, requiring careful canopy management. January and February were warm and dry allowing the vines to transition well from green growth into ripening of fruit. There was a welcome absence of any sustained heat waves, with cool nights helping to keep flavours fresh and bright. The Shiraz harvest began in mid-March, closer to long-term average timing after several early vintages, which allowed picking in optimum cool conditions.
The fruit was cold soaked before fermentation in open fermenters with hand plunging and pumping over. The wine was matured for 12 months in French oak barriques, about one-quarter new.
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