Handpicked Merlot 750ml

Handpicked Merlot 750ml
A full-flavoured wine with juicy raspberry and mulberry fruit flavours, rich mocha oak characters and the generous soft tannin so typical of the variety.
Vintage 2017 was a long, cool season in the Yarra Valley. Yields were around average. Calm weather with warm days and cool nights continued long into autumn, allowing a long hang time for fruit to achieve excellent maturity and deep flavour development. Harvest was a good two weeks later than the long-term average.
The fruit was harvested in mid-March to late-March in warm, dry conditions. It was destemmed and fermented in overhead fermenters with pumping over. The wine was aged in mostly old French oak. With the emphasis on fruit flavours and soft tannin, this wine is ready to drink now.
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